Terms of Business


  • “We” or “Us” means Initforthe Ltd
  • “You” or “The Client” means Instaloft Ltd


  1. We will invoice at the end of each sprint (2 weeks, unless a different sprint length is agreed) for billable time agreed and worked in that sprint. Examples of Billable time are below; please note this list is not exhaustive:
    1. Consulting with you on requirements or otherwise
    2. Estimating work
    3. Planning and designing User Experience journeys and wireframes
    4. Designing visual designs
    5. Writing code
    6. Reviewing code and functionality
    7. Performing other ad-hoc support requests
  2. Payment terms are on receipt of invoice unless otherwise agreed.
  3. Costings for projects are estimates based on knowledge at the time of the estimate and are on a time and materials basis. Costs may go up or down based on new knowledge, or a change in requirements. These will be communicated as they arise, and work will not commence on changes until agreed.
  4. We traditionally use Slack as our preferred method for day to day communication. If you already have a paid Slack workspace, we can share a channel.
  5. We use project management software which allows for managing flow of work. If you or members of your organisation would like access then we would be happy to do so as you will be able to see the status of the project.
  6. We use a strict agile methodology, using the tools we provide for project management and communication, for the benefit of the project and to prevent unnecessary delays and cost.
  7. The tools we use are subject to change but in those instances we will provide you with sufficient notice and help with the transition.
  8. You agree to be engaged in the project regularly and assign one or more persons who will be in day-to-day communication with us and can make business decisions on behalf of your company.
  9. You agree to promptly review and validate each piece of work as they are completed, such that the system does not end up with a backlog of work requiring approval. If that does happen, further costs may be incurred through having to merge functionality together at a later date as more work gets completed from the current “main” branch.
  10. Copyright for works is assigned to you upon payment for that work. Until that time, no licence is provided for any purpose.
  11. We may incorporate third party libraries, both proprietary and open-source, as well as our own libraries, both proprietary and open source. Where we do so:
    1. Open source libraries will have their licence provided along with the library. Our own libraries are released under the MIT permissive open source licence;
    2. Proprietary third party libraries will be incorporated following agreement from you that costs associated with those are acceptable; and
    3. Our own proprietary libraries will be provided with a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free licence allowing you to reuse, redistribute and modify the code within them and resell the resultant code.
  12. Your intellectual property remains yours at all times.
  13. Failure to adhere to our terms of business will result in us stopping work at the end of the current sprint and invoicing for work done to that date. No further work will be undertaken until all outstanding payments have been received, and our terms newly agreed to.
  14. You agree not to approach Initforthe Ltd team members during our business relationship or for a period of 12 months after written termination of this agreement. If a member of Initforthe Ltd is employed or procured by you or a business associated with the directors of the business with which we have a relationship, there will be a fee levied of 30% of their salary or fees.

Document last modified June 26, 2024 09:40